Best Known Italian Wines | Top 10

Best Known Italian Wines | Top 10

Italian excellence is highlighted once again thanks to the most famous ​ Italian wines in the world, which will be shown below. Thanks to this article which gives you a good ​ Italian wines names list, it will be possible to travel abroad without renouncing to a good glass of wine! In our portal you can find the ​ best Italian wines which are not necessarily the most famous ones.

Most famous ​ Italian red wines

The ​ Italian red wines are really famous and recognized in the world, perhaps for their strong and typical taste of our country and for the long tradition linked to ​ Italian winery​.

Montepulciano, Barolo, Chianti Classico and Brunello are certainly four of the best known reds around the globe Valpolicella, Nebbiolo d’Alba, Cannonanu and Primitivo di Manduria need for sure a mention out of the general TOP 10.

Italian white wines

Thanks to great production numbers, also ​ Italian white wines​ are particularly appreciated around the world.

Franciacorta is the most renowned Italian white wine product in the world, made with Chardonnay grapes, Pinot Bianco or Pinot Nero. But worth of a particular mention are also Chambave from Val D’Aosta, Gewurztraminer From Trentino and Collio Sauvignon and Ribolla Gialla from Friuli. Central Italy responds with Verdicchio (famous since the 1950s for its amphora-shaped bottle) and Cinque Terre Liguria, very rare to find on the market but highly renowned as renowned is Trebbiano from Abruzzo as well. The Greco di Tufo of Avellino is among the most sought after and refined white wines of southern Italy, together with Vermentino from Sardinia and Falanghina and Fiano from Campania.

Italian sparkling wines​ and Rosè

These are, for sure, more particular products which are subjected to preferences changes according to what market offers the most time by time. The labels we will mention are often produced in different versions: red,

rosè, spumante and passito.

Must be named the famous Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo, Etna Rosato, Bardolino Chiaretto and Salice Salentino.

TOP 10

Here it is then, world famous ​ Italian wines list​:

1. Brunello di Montalcino
2. Bolgheri Superiore
3. Sauvignon
4. Chianti Classico
5. Amarone della Valpolicella
6. Barolo
7. Barbaresco
8. Gattinara
9. Sagrantino
10. Verdicchio Superiore

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